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Eco-sustainable Tourism

Sustainable tourism depicts many different shapes such as green building, minimize negative social and environmental impacts, make use of natural materials such as wood to build homes or hotels, also using photo-voltaic energy system or wind system, renewable energies; use organic products (vegetables and fruit) grown in the nearby area, utilize non-polluting means of transportation, organic products for personal hygiene.
Sustainable tourism provides access to physically challenged persons by removal of architectural barriers allowing them to enjoy a satisfactory holiday experience.
It represent a growing development path, just like cycling, with neither noise nor pollution, improving the positive contributions to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage embracing diversity.
Local operators promote sustainable tourism with the aim to improve a better relationship between nature and tourism for a meaningful connection and greater understanding of local cultural and environmental issues.

The responsible tourism include organizing nature trails as indicated below:
- Trekking  inside parks and natural territories; -
 Walks or cycling across ecological, cultural or religious sites;

Archaeological itineraries off the beaten track;

- Faunal itineraries inside natural parks or marine protected areas;
- Food and wine and slow food itineraries in  countryside areas and protected areas.

Protects a Friend:

Three Consumers Associations have conceived and implemented the project ??" Region Lazio financed it:

Protects a Friend:

On web App  and contacting one of the 41 counters of the three Consumers Associations in Region Lazio.

Protects a Friend:

Unfortunately not in Italy. There are international guidelines established by associations and public entities such as WWF ad Legambiente.

Protects a Friend:

#sustainable architecture
#responsible tourism

Protects a Friend:

It is a no Court plea agreement between Consumer and the Company involved.

Protects a Friend:

To the Consumers Associations:

Lega Consumatori Lazio
Address: Via Giulio Rocco, 61, 00186 Roma
Telefono: 065122630


Address: Viale Guglielmo Marconi, 94, 00146 Roma
Telefono: 06 5530 1808

Address: Via di Morena, Ciampino RM
Telefono:06 7932 7418

Protects a Friend:

Assurance company
Phone companies: Fastweb, Telecom, Tim, Vodafone, Wind, Teletu, Corecom
Energy companies: Acea, Edison, Eni, Sorgenia, Enel
Banks: Banco Posta, Intesa San Paolo, Monte dei Paschi, Unicredit, Abi
Tourism: Astoi
Poste Italiane

Protects a Friend:

Recently it is being established in Region Lazio and INFORMATURISTI is building up a map of the facilities location that began to achieve sustainability issues.

Protects a Friend:

Tourist rights Charter, published in 2011 in 7 languages, and Consumer Code Law.

Protects a Friend: